Plagiarism policy

Reproducing text from other papers without properly crediting the source or producing many papers with almost the same content by the same authors is not acceptable. Authors may not present results obtained by others as if they were their own. Authors should acknowledge the work of others used in their research and cite publications that have influenced the direction and course of their study. Scientific-methodical journal “Oriental Art and Culture” are committed to publishing only original material, i.e., material that has neither been published elsewhere nor is under review elsewhere. Scientific-methodical journal “Oriental Art and Culture” uses software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts in which plagiarism or textual borrowings are found without reference to the original source are rejected by the editorial board for publication in the journal. If plagiarism is detected, either by the editors, peer reviewers or editorial staff at any stage of publication of a manuscript we will alert the author(s), asking her or him to either rewrite the text or quote the text exactly and to cite the original source. If the plagiarism is extensive the article may be rejected. 

The manuscripts in which plagiarism is detected are handled based on the extent of plagiarism present in the manuscript: if plagiarism is slight – the manuscript is immediately sent back to the authors for content revision, and if plagiarism is extensive – the manuscript is rejected without editorial review. The authors are advised to revise the plagiarized parts of the manuscript and resubmit it as a fresh manuscript. Some authors have written several manuscripts in different journals that are changed only slightly. Submitting the same results to more than one journal concurrently is unethical.